Olatunji Yearwood Wowed the Judges on X Factor Week 1

Olatunji did an extremely daring move by going up to audition for X Factor 2018.  It paid off!!!


They started off by playing the wrong track but he stopped them by singing No.  Even that act impressed the judges.  He launched in  to his 2018 hit BodyLine. He wowed the judges and had the audience on their feet during the performance and even brought two dancers.  

“You are a superstar. You’ve got personality, you’ve got moves, you’ve got a great voice and you have the X Factor. -Ayda Field (Judge)

“You can’t learn how to do that, it’s a God-given gift. If only I had those moves…you absolutely killed it.” – Robbie WIlliams (Judge)


The night was  summed up when the person who is usually the toughest critic said:

Ola you have 4,500 Yesses – Simon Cowell (Chief Judge and Creator)

 Take a look at the full performance below already on the X Factor FB page:


Well done Ola!! Trinidad and Tobago already know that you are a star.  Now it is time for the rest of the world to find out!!! 


Olatunji X Factor 2018